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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. DanR

    Hello! New member from US currently in Qatar & UAE

    That sounds like an awesome system! And it’s a really cool part of this whole hobby, the fact that there are so many ways to go with a system. I’ll always have my Odyssey based system but lately I’ve fallen into the rabbit hole of low powered 300B SET amp and full range high sensitivity folded...
  2. DanR

    Hello! New member from US currently in Qatar & UAE

    Welcome to the forum Solitary Traveller (love the screen name). You sure seem like you’re on the right track with your long range plan. I’ve owned different models of Logans for years too. As of now I have a pair of 2001 Odysseys as my main speakers run by a Krell KSA 100MK II amp that was...
  3. DanR

    New to the forum

    👍 Very well said sir!!!!
  4. DanR

    23 years of building this

    You can get there by searching “active crossover”
  5. DanR

    23 years of building this

    Hi Charlie I got a good chuckle out of your post here. And as you’ll see I like the way you think 😂. Read reply #8 on this thread Guide for active crossover for Prodigy
  6. DanR

    I got horny

    Amey01 what model Avantegard speakers are those?
  7. DanR

    Spikes vs. Gaia Isolation Feet

    👍 This is right on the money!!!!
  8. DanR

    Spikes vs. Gaia Isolation Feet

    I agree with you Tonyc, I use a lot of Isoacoustics products. I have Isoacoustics Delos platforms under both of my turntables as well as an Isoacoustics Zazen platform under my tube phono preamp.
  9. DanR

    Spikes vs. Gaia Isolation Feet

    Another very satisfied user of the Gaia II on my re-paneled Odysseys, also on a hardwood floor surface on a voided floor. Everything tightened up nicely and they are very detailed with the Gaia feet.
  10. DanR

    Amp question Ss or tube?

    If you are really looking for a tube amp that will WORK with the 13A these will do the job. This guy pulled the add down but may still have this pair. They VERY RARELY come up for sale, and when it’s time to re-tube these beauties bud you better break your wallet out, or consider a second...
  11. DanR

    Panel Refurbish- Does it sound the same?

    This is right on the money👍 Well said Dave
  12. DanR

    13a's vs Quad

    Glad to see you posted here big dog, the op couldn’t have found better advice anywhere that would be any better or more complete! This is what makes this forum one of the best there is!👍👍👍
  13. DanR

    13a's vs Quad

    Hi Jim There are so many high quality speaker choices out there we live in a great time. Asking how they compare on a forum is probably besides the technical specs and assets is pretty much pointless because it’s how they sound and perform to YOUR ears that is the determining factor. You sir are...
  14. DanR

    Tube recommendation

    I’ve been using Viva Tubes lately very reputable quick shipping and great prices.
  15. DanR

    Panel Refurbish- Does it sound the same?

    This is good info to have, as I still have the 22 year old original panels that came off of my Odysseys. So this is something I may possibly be able to try in the future, when I have time and am looking for another project to get into😂
  16. DanR

    Panel Refurbish- Does it sound the same?

    Jazzman your last paragraph there was exactly the conclusion I came to as well. The cost of new panels from ML is very fairly priced.
  17. DanR

    Panel Refurbish- Does it sound the same?

    Sounds like you are doing it right Pars👍
  18. DanR

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Good stuff!
  19. DanR

    Panel Refurbish- Does it sound the same?

    Jazzman you could not have made that any clearer or to the point and I as one am in total agreement with you on what you just said here! People need to understand this, as much as we all want there to be some magic wand to wave over aged panels or secret sauce to wash them with there is just no...
  20. DanR

    Martin Logan Theater center-channel panel rebuild

    Yellow on black here too